I am a person who has always been and always will be in the FLOW . I feel real good about myself. That positive attitude is good medicine for the body, mind and soul. I sometimes forget that I aint 19 anymore.
Back to reality, I’m a Young African American just trying to live and let live. I love to eat any type of Latino, Jamaican, Italian, and southern Black cuisine, especially chitterlings, cornbread, potato salad and collard greens however I only eat two peoples cooking, my woman’s and my mother’s. I am not really fond of work, however when push comes to shove, I’ll go. And I especially love to get away on the weekends (getting lost) is what I’m talking about. 4 real, I’m out. PEACE !!!
Me back in the day as a “yougon”. I wish I had it to do all over again.
We regret to inform you that Clarence Allen AKA “Allen Omega” AKA “Flick” peacefully passed away on Friday July 14, 2006. Prior to his death, he mentioned that he had a final update for his site. We are in possession of his notes and will make every effort to make the updates per his last instructions.
Allen Omega devoted most of his life researching the history of the Autry, Herring, Johnson, Hayes and Wright families of Bladen, Sampson and Pender Counties. Please visit the links to explore some of his research. You can contact us at webmaster@AllenOmega.com with your comments.
The Family